July 2008 archive

IrfanPaint β0.4.12.66 released

The new IrfanPaint beta release just fixes a bug in the save settings procedure, that stored a wrong value for the vertical position of the toolbar. The bug was serious since very often this resulted in making the toolbar go off-screen. Thanks to Leif Larsson for the quick bugreport.

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Posted by Matteo Italia on Thu, 24 Jul 2008
tags: release , releasenotes , betarelease .

IrfanPaint β0.4.12.65 released

The new IrfanPaint beta release includes the following changes:

  • new measure tool;
  • new INI section manager class for faster settings load and write;
  • replaced some SendMessages with wrapper macros;
  • fixed a bug in the ReplaceString function: if the replacement string was longer than the string to be replaced the characters after it were overwritten;
  • minor changes to some window procedures;
  • minor changes to the UIBaseTool class (to support per-tool settings saving/loading and show options dialog request);
  • minor changes to the UIToolsContainer class (for the same reasons);
  • minor changes all around to replace C-style strings with C++ strings (also because the new INI section manager class works with C++ strings);
  • minor changes to the WindowMagnetizer class (now if the window is not magnetized the returned magnetization offset is 0).
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Posted by Matteo Italia on Thu, 24 Jul 2008
tags: release , releasenotes , betarelease .