IrfanPaint β0.4.12.65 released
The new IrfanPaint beta release includes the following changes:
- new measure tool;
- new INI section manager class for faster settings load and write;
- replaced some SendMessages with wrapper macros;
- fixed a bug in the ReplaceString function: if the replacement string was longer than the string to be replaced the characters after it were overwritten;
- minor changes to some window procedures;
- minor changes to the UIBaseTool class (to support per-tool settings saving/loading and show options dialog request);
- minor changes to the UIToolsContainer class (for the same reasons);
- minor changes all around to replace C-style strings with C++ strings (also because the new INI section manager class works with C++ strings);
- minor changes to the WindowMagnetizer class (now if the window is not magnetized the returned magnetization offset is 0).
Tip: if you are updating IrfanPaint on an existing installation, you should use the dll only packet (unless you have an IV version that is too old; read more about it here).
Remember to update also the language file, otherwise you may encounter some untransated/wrong strings in the interface of the plugin.
Dll only packet
The "dll only" packets contain only Paint.dll, the IrfanPaint dll. You can download this if you already have the right version of IrfanView (4.10 IP nightly 1) or a more updated one; put the dll in the Plugins folder.
Click here to start the download.
Full packet
The full packets contain a minimal installation of IrfanView with the IrfanPaint plugin. The full packet is needed if you have an IrfanView version before the 4.10 IP nightly 1; note that this IV version is a development version of IrfanView, released only to test the IrfanPaint features, so it may contain some bugs.
If you have a more updated version of IrfanView (you can get the last official one from the IrfanView official site), keep it and download the dll only packet; use the full packet only if you experience problems with this version of IrfanPaint and your IV installation.
Click here to start the download.
There are no translations explicitly available for this version. You can try the language files of older releases.
Translations template
The translations template is not available for this version.
For more information about translating IrfanPaint, please go to the Translate page.
Posted by Matteo Italia on Thu, 24 Jul 2008
release, releasenotes, betarelease.